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Although it has long been believed that the herb echinacea cures the common cold, it turned out that it only can shorten the duration of symptoms
It has long been considered that the plant Echinacea can cure colds, but a new study published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine showed that it can at best only shorten duration of colds.
Scientists from the University of Wisconsin tracked more than 700 patients diagnosed with common colds. They divided them into two groups - one group were given a pill containing echinacea, a second placebo pill, with the proviso that no one knew what drink tablets. At the end of the study, patients who took Echinacea were not cured, only to shorten the period in which they felt symptoms.
While, therefore, there is no evidence that echinacea cures colds, the researchers note that people who believe that it helps them do not need to sacrifice because it still has a placebo effect, and is not dangerous.
Most people think that there will not be an placebo effect if the patient knows that he instead of the drug gets a sugar pill, but new research suggests that they are wrong
Placebo effect works even when the patient knows that instead of a specific drug he takes something that has nothing to do with this, published this week by researchers from Harvard Medical Center and Beth Israel Deaconess in Boston in the scientific journal PLoS ONE. In an unusual experiment by which it sought to better understand the placebo effect has shown that about 60 percent of patients suffering from irritable bowel felt much better after the deliberate taking placebo twice a day - on the other hand, in 35 percent of patients who have not passed any new treatment are not observed improvements. Ted Kaptchuk, who led the research said that the bottles that the patients are given a clearly visible inscription 'Placebo '. Pills inside them did not contain any active ingredient, but mostly of inert ingredients. Otherwise, the placebo effect is known since the very beginnings of medicine.It is extremely important for research of new medicines and treatments and is well known, as confirmed by numerous documents, that is between 30 and 40 percent of patients feel better after taking a placebo without knowing that it was a sugar pill. However, in the context of standard medical treatment and believes that giving placebos to the patient without his knowledge unethical move. In addition, most people believe that a placebo will have no effect if the patient knows what it is. But Kaptchuks research suggests just the opposite. He and his colleagues analyzed the condition of 80 patients with symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome characterized by abdominal pain. Particular part of the patients were told that during the next three weeks taking nothing but a placebo. Anthony Lembo, noted expert on the medical problem with the gut who participated in the study, said it was strange to talk to patients to literally take only a placebo, but it was even stranger was that it turned to acting. The entire project is funded by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
As stated by the new study, eating almonds helps to prevent diabetes and heart disease
Researchers have found that the introduction of these nuts in the diet may help in treating type 2 diabetes, which is the most common form of this disease. Besides helping in the fight against diseases associated with obesity and lack of physical activity, almonds reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
In fact, diabetics have a deficiency of insulin or a reduced ability to use this hormone by which glucose is converted into energy. When diabetes is not controlled, glucose and fats remain in the blood and over time, damage vital organs.
The study found that a diet rich in almonds can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce levels of bad cholesterol in those with pre-diabetes, a condition where people have an increased level of sugar in the blood, but not enough to be a highly classified as diabetes.
Research conducted by the Medical University of New Jersey, followed by the effects of almond consumption in 65 adults in the phase of pre-diabetes. The group that consumed the almonds showed a significant improvement in terms of insulin sensitivity and reduction of bad cholesterol. It is estimated that in Europe 55 million people suffer from this disease.
Forgetfulness is in our blood, according to research that associates 'distraction' with inflammation in the body
High levels of protein in the blood could be the cause of forgetfulness and distraction. Increased concentrations of C-reactive protein (CRP), in fact, makes us look to the future planning, German scientists discovered the University of Munster.
For this reason, the changes in the density of white matter in the brain, which indirectly leads to forgetfulness, because the man was a substance linked to brain regions responsible for memory.
The study showed forgetfulness associated with protein is not innate, but it depends on the inflammation in the body, because inflammation causes increased production of CRP.
The high stakes of this protein also increases the risk of sclerosis and heart attacks and strokes. However, it is not yet proven whether reducing CRP levels and improve memory.
Measuring CRP in the blood used for diagnostic purposes as an indicator of acute inflammation. Values between 10 and 40 mg / L indicate easier to inflammation, a value above 200 mg / L indicate a serious bacterial infection.
Slower walk is proved to be one of the key factors in the longevity in 20 years long study
People all over the world today are living longer than ever before, a new study shows who could live longer. Data from the study could help doctors and the elderly in the planning of medical treatment and care.
There are not many of those who experience the hundredth, and still drive the car. But Mazerine Wingate is one of them. His vision is still sharp. But that's not all. He is always working! And six days a week, in a post office in the State of Maryland. There he began working in his 60th-year as a cleaner. He says that there are no health problems. Asked who would be able to give advice to others for a long and happy life, the centenarian replied: "Move, move, constantly moving ".And while it is very strange that people that age are still employed, there is less unusual to reach one hundredth. Doctor Neil Buckholtz, National Institute for problems of aging says that all the longer lifetime becomes a problem for governments around the world: "The population of people of advanced age is increasing, not only in the United States, but throughout the world. Actually, the segment of the population that is The fastest growth in the United States are precisely those over 85 years. "
A new study shows a link between walking speed and life expectancy. Scientists have observed the speed of walking and other indicators of health in almost 35 000 older persons. Followed by up to 20 years. The research was led by Dr. Stephanie Studenski of the University of Pittsburgh: "The speed of your walk, tells us how well-functioning system of your body. "By measuring the speed of walking and using tables for calculating longevity, doctors can provide better care to their patients. For example, most doctors do not send patients to the possibility of prostate cancer after their 70th year. However, if it is otherwise healthy and vital man who could survive for at least another ten years, it would be such a review would be of use.
For those who have poorer health, doctors could examine the ways in which their health and quality of life can improve. However, Dr. Studenski said that although good and useful, these tables are not always indicators of longevity. Some people in good health simply prefer to walk slower.
Leptin reduces the desire for food, and it encourages lower concentration of oxygen at altitude and you will therefore staying in the mountains lose some decagram
The high altitude helps fat people to lose weight more easily, the study physicians in Germany. Medical team Dr Floriana Lipla, the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich, studied the effect of a seven-day stayon the mountain 2.650 meters high, with an overly obese person, on average, about 50 years old.
In addition to climate change, respondents were not subjected to any special regime in relation to diet, habits and physical activity.
However, after only seven days it was established that all persons have lost a little weight on, as well as reduced food intake and decreased blood pressure. The positive effects lasted for another month after the person returned home.
As a reason for it, experts said a lower concentration of oxygen at high altitudes, which stimulates the secretion of the hormone leptin, which reduces the desire for food.